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07 June 2012

Primary school pupils go green with exciting new arts project
Pupils at Shoscombe Primary School have been involved in working together to create a sculpture using found recycled materials.

All the pupils at Shoscombe Primary School have worked with artist Edwina Bridgeman to design and construct the piece reflecting the local history of coal mining and farming.

Parents and other members of the school community have also volunteered their help.

Shoscombe Primary School is participating in a two year International Comenius Project.

Shoscombe is linked with schools in Bordeaux, France and Co Cork, Ireland.

The partnership funding provides opportunities for pupils and staff to travel and visit each other's schools, and stay with host families to get to know the language, culture, history and geography of the different countries.

Pupils also have opportunities to link up via online 'virtual' meetings.

Despite differences the three schools share a common interest in protecting the environment for the future through practices such as developing environmentally friendly vegetable gardens, establishing safe walking routes to school and promoting recycling.

Edwina Bridgeman is an artist who is well known for her imaginative use of recycled materials, from china and glass to scraps of metal and driftwood.

Edwina moved to the village of Shoscombe 18 months ago, and has produced a new solo exhibition in response to her move entitled The Edge of Enchantment.

She was delighted to be invited to the school and has really enjoyed working with everyone, she hopes this will be the beginning of a long term relationship with her local school community.

For the full news article and to be taken to the website, click here


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