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06 March 2012

University launches sustainability institute
Leeds Metropolitan University is set to launch a new sustainability institute in a bid to tackle the impact infrastructure has on the environment.

As part of the Leeds Sustainability Institute (LSI), research into ways to reduce the impact of the UK's buildings will be undertaken, with the aim of promoting environmental improvements. The centre will also focus on sustainable land and water management, production and consumption, climate change and the low carbon economy.

Environment guru and former Friends of the Earth director Jonathon Porritt will be speaking at the launch event, which takes place on March 29, alongside George Martin, former head of sustainable development at Willmott Dixon and Jon Price centre director of the Centre for Low Carbon Futures.

According to Leeds Metropolitan, their consultancy and business services have already made significant contribution in social policy, low carbon building materials, green computing, renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure.

Speaking ahead of the launch, LSI director Professor Chris Gorse, said: "The Institute will provide a clear path to those that want to engage and a more responsive unit that can develop and connect expertise."

For the full news article and to be taken to the website, click here


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