Funding Links
If schools are to become more sustainable, massive investment is required to make the buildings more energy efficient and to integrate new infrastructure which can be used to demonstrate sustainable approaches to every day school life.
Developing sustainability project ideas in school buildings and grounds will require significant investment and TeachShare is here to help. Most schools are already undertaking fund raising events to raise money for a variety of projects and this new area of focus provides an additional drain on reserves. The current economic climate and public sector cut backs add to the difficulty in raising much needed funds.
TeachShare know that teachers have busy schedules, but we recognize that finding capital to invest in sustainable schools projects is very important. This section provides quick and easy access to a range of organizations that can potentially provide funding support for your school.
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Below is one of these sources of funding information and is taken from The Pod for Greener Schools who provide information and application details on funding for sustainability projects.
Generation Green - Free Solar Panels for the Nations Schools
British Gas has unveiled an unprecedented £15 million investment in solar technology for the nation's schools. The company will donate and install solar panels - worth up to £40,000 - in up to 750 schools in the UK. Each school will be able to generate its own free, green electricity, cutting as much as 20% of its annual electricity bill.
The schools receiving solar panels will also receive a British Gas smart meter, offering real time information so pupils can see the difference their solar panels are making. Finally, specially created Generation Green lesson plans will help teachers engage their pupils in learning about renewable energy, and schools will be able to track their performance against others and share tips and advice via a specially designed website.